There are moments in your life when you feel you're intangible, floating like another soul lost in the air. This is one of mine.
I had probably described seeing the northern lights too many times now, it's supposed to feel redundant. But every time I try to tell about it, a different spun of words fill my mouth. Because seeing magic and feeling it and being under its spell is a total out of this world experience that is rare, words can't ever fully compare.
Nor do these photos ever will.
We saw the auroras for two October nights. 2 out of 6 nights? We were EXTREMELY lucky. Some people stay for 10 days and don't even see it.
Our first was on the second night when we stayed in Vik. It was a 5-minute drive away from the city lights and these wisps in the air showed up. It was surreal. We were crammed in our small car shouting nonsense out of pure delight. We stopped by the main road where there were two other cars parked. I think it was a level 2 or 4 so we didn't see it too much at first, but when we took photos, we freaked out when we saw our screens.
We changed location cos it was dangerous by the side of the main road. We drove a bit and found a path and we stayed there for a few minutes. It was really cold... and windy.
Satisfied on the first night of hunting, we got back to our Airbnb and they sang Happy Birthday for me.
No cakes, no presents. Just pure, pure magical aurora high. On the eve of my birthday.
Second night in Iceland, first night of hunting.
It's just unbelievable.
The second time was when we stayed in an Airbnb in the middle of the Snaefellsnes Peninsula. It was a very lovely cabin. We didn't expect to see the auroras that night as it was predicted to be cloudy all throughout Iceland.
What gave us goosebumps is, there's a patch of cloudless land in the island. And it was right smack where we were. Level 6 and an utterly otherworldly performance of dancing curtains of lights right in front of our very eyes. It was so strong that night that the rare orange color appeared. We didn't even drive out, we just went out to our patio and lifted our eyes.
Of course we cried.
We grew silent.
I think we believed in miracles that night.
When I grow old, I hope that my memory of these lights will take me to the other life. I don't want to ever forget.
Here are our travel videos! It's an understatement that we had a GRAND, AWESOME TIME!
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