I always find myself come here when I'm sad, when I feel lost or just tired of the days rushing through me like I'm some ghost. I don't know.. Maybe it's my place of sanctuary. I feel like.. It's where I left my last whole piece of childhood. The unfettered innocence kept intact away from the prying eyes of adulthood. It's somehow a secret place, where I've carefully hidden something I could always go back to.
One night, I stared blankly into the dark, thinking and worrying about my future. I told myself, "Shoot, I'm only 24 -- this is gonna be a looong time of making decisions." Then I cried. Crazy, sarcastic me formed into a ball, all pretense of defense out the window. I just cried. I knew even in the dark I looked the scariest shade of ugly, and I didn't mind.

Hello, I'm Ira.
There are three things that have become constant in my life so far: my love for taking photos, my penchant for traveling, and my utter need for writing. Welcome to my little notebook of dreams and daydreams.