iceland: day 3 - dettifoss, grjotagja cave, and godafoss

I’ll tell you what this day was about—a very loooong drive. From our inn at Hofn, we were expecting to drive for about 6+ hours to our first destination. But NO—we drove for about 8 hours. Or maybe less because we had to stop for lunch. Hofn is in the southeast part while Dettifoss in the northeast part and that’s about 415km away from each other. Take note: no traffic (ha!) but there were parts that were really windy and the roads were slippery with ice. We had to slow down for about two hours just so we wouldn’t get into trouble. But we didn't mind... Icelandic views are sooo worth it!

Unparalleled sweeping views 😍
Are we there yet?
Alien world especially to us tropical people
There were lots of parts in the north where there's no sunlight. It's like you're literally in the Game of Thrones scene at the North of the Wall.

We arrived at the parking lot at around 3PM (yes) and started a mini trek to Dettifoss. It was a 20-minute walk at least when we saw the roaring falls. It was MASSIVE. It was like this big, hulky man all raging with strength. We didn’t stay long cos we were chasing for light and we had to go to two more destinations. 

Aurora Chasers Club turned The Jellybeans
Olaf without the carrot nose

At 5PM, we arrived at Grjotagja Cave where the famous Jon Snow and Ygritte "You know nothing" scene of Game of Thrones was shot. The entrance is really narrow and it was a steep climb going down, but it was just about 10 steps away. We each had our turn, along with the other visitors, to go down and take shots. The cave was dim-lit but you can see how blue the water is and how hot it is because of the steam. Some people got into the water though.

Before 6PM, we arrived at the beautiful Skogafoss. It was very elegant. I think it looks like you’re meeting Emma Watson in person. It is properly poised at the end of the river as the sun set on its back. We went closer by the edge of the cliff with the good view to take better photos but it was kinda scary because you can slip by just one wrong step. If we were given more time and we had it by ourselves, we would definitely stay for a while. But it was getting dimmer by the minute and we had to jump off pointy rocks to the parking.

We made it!

We drove to the big city of Akureyri where we stayed for the night. From afar, we saw city lights that we haven’t seen for it seems a long while. We tried going to a Bonus, but it was already closed at around 7PM. We made our way to our lovely apartment with no intention of going out to chase the auroras (light pollution + really tired of the long drive) and slept likes babies.

Here are our travel videos! It's an understatement that we had a GRAND, AWESOME TIME!

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