scandinavia: copenhagen, denmark

What you'll find here

Tour Itinerary

On to our last city for this trip: the happiest city in the world (not sure which year 😆), Copenhagen! The capital city is situated in two islands, and is the most populous city in Denmark with well over a half million citizens.

On the way to Copenhagen from Odense, we passed by Egescov Castle. It's still closed when we dropped by, so we just had to see it from the outside. I think it's a good place to visit!

We passed through the famous Øresund Bridge. It is a combined railway and motorway bridge across the Øresund strait between Denmark and Sweden. It is the longest in Europe with both roadway and railway combined in a single structure (thanks Wiki).

When we reached Copenhagen, of course we were greeted by the patent rainy weather, but the good news is that it was not too much so we were able to walk around.

The Little Mermaid! You would think that this was a peaceful place but nooo. Behind this photo are buses and throngs of people trying to see the little statue and get selfies with it.

We went to St. Alban's Church which was built from 1885 to 1887 for the benefit of the growing English congregation in the city. 

We went to where the Danish royals live, Amalienborg Palace. I wish we had more time. I could've visited the museum, or witnessed the changing of the royal guards, but I was glad to have seen it altogether.

The Copenhagen Opera House, one of the most modern opera houses in the world, and actually the most expensive one (cost USD 370,000...000 to build).

And then we reached the number 1 highlight: Nyhavn. But. We were in a rush. As in A RUSH. So I really didn't have time to take photos. I was bummed, naturally, but it was about to rain and we still had places to go, so I'm parking this for later. One way or the other, I'm going to visit again. 😄

Nyhavn is was originally it was a commercial port where ships from all over the world would dock, and it was packed with sailors visiting its pubs and alehouses. Today the historic area with the old buildings have been renovated and now house restaurants. Canal tours are available too.

I forgot what this is---but it's the world's smallest something! Or something else, so sorry! 😂

To be honest, we went to so many places that afternoon. I think this one is Christiansborg Palace

We went to Max Burgers---the McDonald's version of Denmark. I really love the milkshakes in Europe.

And then---we went to the place that most surprised me, basically because I didn't have any expectation of it: the Tivoli Gardens. We had some fun with the rides and one of my best memories was up the Himmelskibet or the Star Flyer. It was scary at first but then once my body understood the momentum and my mind was tricked that it was safe, I saw how beautiful Copenhagen was from above, and I felt like it was the perfect ending to such a great trip we had.

After all the fun, we had our last group dinner at Nimb. The restaurant was great---the 3-course dinner, ambiance, location. It's the perfect place to celebrate the last few days we had together.

We retired to our hotel afterwards at AC Marriott Bella Sky. It's a 4-star, design hotel. We felt pampered by the accommodation, the freebies and snacks, and the whole hotel itself, highly recommended to try.

One happy tour group, one unforgettable trip.

Manila - Amsterdam - Helsinki
Copenhagen - Amsterdam - Manila

The Tour
All arranged by  Kuoni Global Travel Services  which is a global group travel provider. Kuoni offers customized group tours.

Food in Copenhagen
Diamond Rice - We had this for lunch, Asian, I think it was okay.

This is a work trip that I started organizing a year in advance.

This post is part of the Scandinavia series. All transportation, accommodation, itinerary, and meals are sponsored by KLM Royal Dutch Airlines and Kuoni Global Travel Services.


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