puerto princesa part i // puerto princesa part ii // puerto princesa part iii // puerto princesa part iv
We are one, big, crazy family. To be honest, I kind of worried on how this trip would go. I have a crazy dad, a crazy mom, an even crazier brother, and the craziest sister. I even have the craziest brother who was left in Manila due to his "chef"-istry. I even gave instructions like the one who whines or complains will be mocked "ugly" for the rest of the trip. I mean, we've all got short tempers or short attention spans, I've been waiting for that moment where we would all break and just you know, be us. Be the crazy us. Thankfully it wasn't around Day 2.
We went island hopping only to two islands, that's Pandan and Cowrie. We had company again, a family of five like us but their youngest was fourteen and the other sister is married and her foreigner husband was with them. It's weird how our parents got along. At one point we were paying for our goggles at the counter and all of a sudden they know each others lives like how the husband petitioned his wife to Dubai and they lived there for many years now and how their other daughter does ramp modeling who was in Switzerland that time (compared to my baby and family photography). I mean, me? I forgot their names. I am terrible at names. But our parents? Oh, family history it is.
We snorkeled at Pandan. The beach was clean and there were fishes just meters away from the shore. There were good fishes but I didn't really appreciate the corals. Coron's and Bohol's were much better. But they were good, bright, colorful fishes! Fishes are fishes! Then we went next to Cowrie where we had lunch. All I can say is that I couldn't get enough of the fried kangkong with mayo dip. It was so goood I thanked God it was buffet. (Sorry if I sound floopy, I just had Friends marathon. Currently in Season 3!!! 6 more to go!)
So here are the photos! Mostly portraits of the crazy us. :)